We are pleased to invite you to attend the Scientific Conference “Armed conflicts and the agri-food economy“, which will be the 14th in the series of annual conferences under the title “Changes in the food economy in European countries”. 

The conference will take place on December 1, 2022, online (the Microsoft Teams platform). 

Participation in the conference is free of charge. 

The conference will address a range of areas, including: 

  1. Wars and defence throughout the history of economic thought 
  2. War impact on local and global markets for products and production factors 
  3. Energy and food crises caused by armed conflicts 
  4. External and internal migrations during armed conflicts and their socio-economic consequences 
  5. War and disturbances in the agri-food chain 
  6. Threats to stability and financial resilience of entities and sectors of the national economy caused by military conflicts 
  7. Implications of armed conflicts for rural areas and their inhabitants 
  8. Policies (economic, social, etc.) in response to war and its aftermath 

[conference www] 
[conference leaflet]

[registration form]