The Scientific Journal „European Policies, Finance and Marketing” was established in 2009 with a transformation of the journal published continuously since 1992 (ISSN 2081-3430). In the journal are published studies dealing with the role of financial institutions and their instruments in agriculture and rural development. It is a venue for young people to publish their scientific achievements and to take advantage of valuable reviews of the more experienced scientists. The journal also contributes to integration of the community of agrarian economists.

Scientific Council

  1. Bogdan Klepacki (SGGW), prof. dr hab., Warsaw University of Life Sciences (WULS – SGGW) –Chairman, Poland
  2. Mieczysław Adamowicz, prof. dr hab. Dr h.c., Pope John Paul II State School of Higher Education in Biala Podlaska— Vice-chairman, Poland
  3. Marian Podstawka, prof. dr hab., Warsaw University of Life Sciences (WULS – SGGW), Poland
  4. Janusz Żmija, prof. dr hab. dr h.c., University of Agriculture in Krakow, Poland
  5. Andrzej P. Wiatrak, prof. dr hab., Warsaw University , Poland
  6. Lubica Bartova, prof., Slovak Agricultural University In Nitra, Slovakia
  7. Julian Briz, , Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain
  8. Alina Hyz, prof, University of West Attica, Greece
  9. Francesco Sotte, prof., Universita Politecnica delle Marche Ancona, Italy
  10. Harun Uçak, prof, Alanya Alaaddin Keykubat University, Turkey
  11. Sandra Krtalic, Full Professor-Academic Unit for Finance, Department of Economics and Tourism, Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Croatia

Editorial Board

  • Marian Podstawka, prof. dr hab. – Editor-in-chief
  • Agnieszka Parlińska, dr inż. – Managing Editor, Thematic Editor (Finance)
  • Tomasz Jaroszewski, mgr– Secretary
  1. Agnieszka Biernat-Jarka, dr
  2. Agata Kropiwiec – Language Editor (Polish language)
  3. Marzena Lemanowicz, dr – Thematic Editor (Marketing)
  4. Halina Powęska, dr hab.
  5. Eugeniusz Pudełkiewicz, prof. SGGW dr hab.
  6. Christian Richter, dr – Language Editor (English language)
  7. Janina Sawicka, prof. dr hab.
  8. Wiesław Szczesny, prof. SGGW dr hab. – Statistical Editor
  9. Aleksandra Wicka, dr inż. – Thematic Editor (Insurance)

Information for authors

  1. Manuscripts should be submitted for publication in the journal PEFiM using the website:
  2. The journal is published twice a year. After the submission of the manuscript, editors will contact the author and will provide information on the issue of the journal in which the article will be published if it is accepted.
  3. Manuscripts accepted by the thematic editor will be forwarded for review to two independent reviewers with the principles of anonymity (double-blind review). In the case of a manuscript written in „congress language” at least one of the reviewers will be affiliated with a foreign country institution.
  4. Reviews will be in writing and will end with an explicit request for release of an article for publication (review form – download).
  5. In order to prevent cases of „ghostwriting” and „guest authorship” authors are requested to fill in the following statement (statement of the author – download). „Ghostwriting” i „guest authorship” are manifestations of scientific misconduct. All such events detected, will be documented and made public. An author submitting a manuscript for publication bears the main responsibility for providing reliable information.
  6. Authors are responsible for the content of their articles (statement of the author – download).
  7. The fee for an article accepted for print is 700 zł +vat (23%) (the invoice is issued after obtaining two positive reviews), In the case of two negative reviews one will be charged for reviews. The author agrees to pay these fees by accepting the regulations and rules in the manuscript submission process.
  8. Publication ethics and counteracting unfair practices in the journal (COPE standards)

Author Guidelines

Publishing recommendations:

  • Editor – MS Word PL;
  • Margins: Up-5, Down-5.9, Left-4.2, Right-4.2 cm;
  • Interlining – single; alignment – on both sides;
  • Basic font – Times New Roman CE 10p;
  • Abstracts and literature – 9p;
  • The title of the paper – bold 14p; titles of chapters – bold 12p; subheadings – bold 10p; Table titles, – top, left 8p; tables – 8p font; without internal horizontal lines;
  • Signatures of drawings and diagrams under the object, centered, 8p;
  • Footnotes–8p; References to literature in footnotes as following: 1N. Surname: Title. PUBLISHER, City1999, p. 110.
  • Black and white figures editable in MS Excel 2007 or CorelDraw 8.0, CPT, GIF, BMB, WMF format for bitmaps and megafiles
  • Alphabetical order of references according to the pattern:
    1. Surname I.: Title of the work, Journal title 10/2009
    2. Surname I.: Title of the work, PUBLISHER, City 2009

Paper’s layout

  • title and academic degree, name of an author (authors), affiliation,
  • title, abstract (with the purpose of the study, methods and results) and key words
  • introduction
  • aims and methods
  • research results and discussion
  • conclusions
  • corresponding author’s detail (address, mail, and ORCID number)

Size of a paper: 10-12 pages

Last update: 19/09/2019